* Portions of Jack Lake Mountain Bike Trail Closed * - More Details




PSA: Langlade Co Fairgrounds CLOSED to all through motor vehicle traffic - More Details

Forestry and Recreation Committee Meeting Wednesday February 12th - More Details

Snowmobile Trails

Langlade County offers over 550 miles of state approved and user funded snowmobile trails that immerse you in the beautiful winter scenery of Langlade County! The trails are groomed and maintained by 10 different snowmobile clubs that are dedicated to upholding Langlade County’s reputation for having excellent snowmobile trails!

Trail Information

Click here for an updated trail report!

For more information on Snowmobile Registration and Trail Passes please visit Wisconsin DNR website.

Planning a trip to Langlade County? Click here to find accommodations and the best food in town!

Click here to download the Langlade County Snowmobile Trails brochure!

More information on parking areas coming soon!

Langlade County Official Snowmobile Trail Map -(Geo-refrenced PDF)

Langlade County Snomobile Map Data (KML) used for download to mapping applications.

All official maps & data subject to this attached Disclaimer

Langlade County Snowmobile Ordinances and Policies

ATV’s are permitted on the Langlade County snowmobile trail system 10 days after the trails open in their respective zones. ATV’s are not allowed on the trail if temperatures are above 28 degrees F. UTV’s are not permitted due to their weight and size. ATVs are not authorized on snowmobile trails that cross the Wolf River Conservation Easement, in the Crocker Hills, regardless of temperature.

Snowmobiles must remain on designated snowmobile trails and routes unless authorized by controlling agency. Roads or trails that are gated, bunkered or posted as "closed" are not open for snowmobile use. Normally these areas have signs stating "No Motorized Vehicles" posted at all primary entry points. The snowmobile trails will be marked with orange trail blazers and appropriate signage.

The minimum forfeiture for unauthorized travel in our gated areas is $131.50.

Licensed motor vehicle use is not authorized on designated snowmobile trails during the period that commences with the first trail grooming until the trail system officially closes.

Other recreationists may be present; please use caution and appropriate speeds. 

For a full list of ordinances and policies please click here. 


The Snowmobile Trail system is maintained solely by volunteers from various Langlade County snowmobile clubs. Please find them on Facebook for more information and how to get involved! 

Antigo Sno-Drifters
Bryant Ridge Runners
Lily Sno-Birds
Northwoods Boulder Lake Snow Goers
Phlox Winter Knights
Polar Blazers
Sno-Devils Snowmobile Club Inc.
Tombstone-Pickerel Sno Club

Enjoy the Langlade County Forest and please always respect the land; no littering or harassing wildlife!